Designing UX of EdOnGo WebApp

In this post I’ll be describing my experience designing EdOnGo web app.

Week #1: Defining Mission


As a parent to young children myself, I needed a way to cultivate learning from everyday things all around us waiting to be explored ! I wished if there were a way I could make my own flashcards to review with my kids anywhere on the go; and EdOnGo web app was born !

Scheduling Repeating Local Notifications using Alarm Manager

Learn about Scheduling Repeating Local Notifications using Alarm Manager in this post.

Adding Menu Items in Navigation Drawer Dynamically

Checkout my post about Adding Menu Items in Navigation Drawer Dynamically here.

How did I integrated a launcher screen in an Android App under 5 minutes

Checkout my latest blog post about Android App Launcher Screen here.

Starting and Stopping Jenkins on Mac OS X

Stopping Jenkins on Mac OSX:
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.jenkins-ci.plist

Starting Jenkins on Mac OS X:
sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.jenkins-ci.plist 

Why Butterknife doesn't work for Android Libraries

Have you tried using Butterknife library to bind Android's xml views for an Android library ? And ran into dreaded this error message:
Attribute must be constant

You're not alone ! Many people like myself tried using wonderful Butterknife in their Android Libraries like they do in their regular phone and tablet projects. Actually, Butterknife is not intended to be used for Android libraries project because R class in library project is not final. 

Here's the explanation from Jake himself:
Values on the R class are not final in library modules which makes this library unusable on those modules. This is a limitation of Java, and something this library has decided not to work around. See #2.
Recent version of Butterknife library (8.5.1)  supports library projects as well.  Checkout out this link to configure library projects to start using Butterknife in your library projects as well.

How did I publish Android Library to JCenter from Android Studio

JCenter is a Maven Repository or file server hosted by Bintray for Android libraries. It’s a default repository for Android Studio. I wrote this post to log my experience with open sourcing an Android Library on JCenter.

Checkout my detailed post on Medium or at my techLog.

WebViewOverlay Widget Android Library

I needed a widget that can load a url in WebView in a full-screen closable overlay/modal. I wanted to re-use this new, shiny widget in my other projects as well. So, I decided to upload WebViewOverlay library in a central artifact repository. I chose JCenter because its one of the largest artifact repository for Java and Android libraries and has good integration with Android Studio IDE. 

Checkout my detailed Medium post or at my techLog.

Scheduling Repeating Local Notifications using Alarm Manager

Learn about Scheduling Repeating Local Notifications using Alarm Manager in this post .